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Nov , 4th 2006 | CQ WW SSB 2006

After 3 years of hard work on our towers  and antenna systems it was finally time to upgrade our hamshack . It has undergone major improvements and was almost fully automatised. Thanks to the band decoders and antenna switches from the company MicroHam and other switching systems from OM2KW our work during the contest became efficient and fast. Jumping from  one band to another took only seconds. The whole network of cables and relays and also our amplifiers OM Power 2500 worked 100% during the whole contest . Wolfgang OE3WLB helped as to reduce interstation interference  as he prepared a lot of band pass filters. As usually we used the contest software from N1MM. The whole  system worked 100% without a single fallout during 48 hours, although a small upgrade of our computers was neccesary. Thanks for this FB software.

Despite the powerful technical improvements of our station we didn’t reach our goal.  The ionosphere didn´t enable us to reach higher rates to DX areas on the second day.  Even though, the total score, the QSO number  and multiplier total is  higher than last year.

The condx on Saturday were very good and we hopede  that we could reach 7000 QSOs at the end of the contest. After the first half of the contest we had 3700 QSOs in our log. It filled us with optimism but on Sunday the condx deteriorated  and the 15m band (where we hoped to reach great score) closed up totally.

On Saturday we made about  1100 QSOs on 15m, on Sunday only around 50. On Sunday 15m didn’t open up at all towards Japan and in the afternoon  it was also closed towards North America. We spent the morning on 10m, where some EU shortskips appeared, and we made around 150 QSOs..

The main band was 20m, where we worked  predominantly Europeans, so the average points for connection have been rapidly decreasing under 2. Sunday evening we were desperately seeking for opportunities and so we ended up switching between lower bands. Therefore, points weren’t coming as we were used to from previous years.

We can say, that the DX conditions were the worst what we experienced so far, at least in Central Europe.

Despite these hostile conditions we are satisfied with the results. We thank everybody who called us and we are looking forward to hear everyone CW part under  better conditions again.

We would also like to congratulate team 9A1P for their achieved results.

CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: OM8A
Operator(s): OM2KW,2VL,OM3BH,3GI,3LA,3NA,3RM,OM5KM,OM7JG
Station: OM8A

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Okoc
Operating Time (hrs): 48

Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  377    13       65
   80:  423    23       94
   40: 1319    34      124
   20: 2306    39      161
   15: 1199    38      154
   10:  284    23      105
Total: 5908   170      703  Total Score = 10,234,179

OM2KW switching system

MicroHam antenna switch  10/2

OM Power amplifier  OM2500 HF