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Feb , 24th 2007 | Rare visit from SM and OM7M

Sunday   4. 2 .2007. Björn SM0MDG granted as visit during his busines trip to Bratilsava. He knew Miro OM5RW a member of OM7M.   So we decided to invite Björn and OM7M crew to our QTH. Miro came with his YL, with Peter OM3PA, Palo OM5BP and Palo OM5RM .

From left  Björn SM0MDG , Pa?o OM5RM , Miro OM5RW , his XYL , Peter OM3PA and Pavel OM5BP

Björn SM0MDG told us about his weekend QTH with 160m vertical antenna. His portable QTH is close to the see and he enjoys the good DX propagation from there especially on 160m. .



      Tibi OM3RM  and  Björn SM0MDG

It was not boring we spoke mainly about antennas. Pavel OM5BP is the technical and constructional leader at OM7M. He discussed some technical details concerning building the towers and rotary systems at OM7M. The discussion was very interesting but we had to stop because Björn shud not miss the plane to Sweden.

We promised to visit our rivals at OM7M to see some technical secrets.